Monday, February 7, 2011

How NOT to enjoy Super Bowl Sunday!

Not that Drew and I had an spectacular plans for Super Bowl Sunday, but I was looking forward to a relaxing morning. Maybe a run (uphill - oof!) with Loui to Majestic View Park while Drew got in some basketball practice with the boys, then some baking, Hormel chili and cheese mixing (come on, once a year on this particular day we indulge in Hormel Chili and cheese!) and game prep. But oh no, this is how our day went (ahem - there will be no pictures - you'll see why)!

8am - Wake up to Drew saying, "Now run and jump on mama!" followed immediately by a woof and 75 pounds of wet, snowy dog on the bed. Good morning.

8:15 - Not feeling so hot but trying not to let Drew see it - I have no intentions of going to the doctor's today or any day! Kind of hard though when you're doubled-up and the bathroom towel is making a wonderful blanket. You know how that feels...

8:45 - Call for Drew who makes the executive decision - off to Urgent Care. After trying to pull out the truck and getting semi-stuck (overnight blizzard hence the snowy dog on the bed!) we decide to take the Jeep as the neighbor, already snow-blowing, looks on and waves.

9:00 - Cursing, skidding - we make it to Urgent Care to find them closed - until 10am. I am in no mood to wait at this point, so we ask the nearest people where the hospital is. I HATE the hospital. Luckily it's just down the road and we make it there without too much skidding (or cursing).

9:30 - Doctor walks in and says, "I think I can tell that you feel like sh*%." Uh huh - right on so far, as I'm laying there shaking uncontrollably, feeling like a fool but not being able to help it. In short order they have me in a state of significantly less pain - for which I'm thankful. The nurse has me swaddled in about 8 layers of warm blankets as my temp is about 97.

10:30 - Blood drawn, ultrasound taken - we're leaning towards an ovarian cyst that's ruptured since it's not appendicitis (the horror - that would be awful!) or any other infection they can find. Waiting for official results.

2:00 - RN Robert comes back from lunch to find us still waiting in the room. I'm more or less out of it, and Drew is trying to find a comfy spot for all 6'4" of him in the dinky little hard backed chair with no cushion. Robert looks pissed to still see me there, and tromps off to go tell the radiology unit to get a move on the official results. Doctor pops in a minute later with the same thought. Robert and the doctor both rocked - couldn't have been better.

3:00 - Results are in - a ruptured ovarian cyst, which according to the doctor, wreaks havoc internally. No surgery, nothing really to do about it except let the body absorb the ruptured fluid and clear itself out. The "girls" as he called my ovaries, will be just fine. Robert pops back in with my prescription and tells me to take it easy and not to eat anything rich or greasy (there goes the Hormel chili!). I tell him I'll hover over the relish tray during the game. ;)

4:00 - Home in time for a quick shower and the game...

And now we're back to Monday, and I feel almost too fine. As in, did I make that up? Drew sends me a convincing no (as he had to watch me go white-faced in pain - which is probably worse), but already my body is almost back to normal.

And that, folks, is how NOT to enjoy Super Bowl Sunday. Go Pack!

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