Monday, June 20, 2011

Swansons in Colorado!

Well, it's official.  Swansons and Killians have both made it out to Colorado to visit, check out the sites and climb some mountains.  :)  We chronicled the Killian trip awhile back, and I'm just now getting to posting about the Swanson's visit over Memorial Day weekend.

Since we had just gotten back from San Diego a day or so before they arrived (Drew didn't tell them we'd gone until we were there - and they were like, "Uhh, are you going to be in Colorado when we are?") Drew decided to work most of the day to catch up.  I picked up Tom and Mary Janet at the train station downtown right on time (they Amtrak'ed it for a very low price considering what plane tickets were going for!) and we headed into Old Towne Arvada for some breakfast at the Eggshell diner.  I believe Tom started it off right with chocolate buckwheat pancakes.  ;)

Drew and Tom went golfing on Saturday, Mary Janet and I went to the Denver Botanic Gardens and we all worked up an appetite for some some great dinner.  Sunday we went up to Boulder and enjoyed the Celestial Seasonings tea tour (they're only manufacturing site is in Boulder), the Bolder Boulder tents (it's a 10K - Drew and I are considering it for next year) as well as the Boulder Creek festival.  And finally, on Monday, we got out and hiked the Devil's Backbone while dodging raindrops.

And then it was time to drop them off back at the station for their overnight trip home...  While we didn't take lots of photos, we captured just enough of the fun.  ;)

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