I've heard that a first anniversary is supposed to be celebrated with paper...a card, tickets to a show, something like that. In our case, a race number was the way to go! Yup, we ran a 5K for our anniversary - something neither of us had done before.
Here's how it went.
1. Decide about a month out to do a 5K - find one (Oh, look, it's on our anniversary weekend - what fun!?) and register.
2. Train, sort of. Run 4 nights a week with a chocolate lab - which inevitably means running with a poop bag. Consider it good karma - no one else goes to such measures! Chocolate lab becomes addicted to running - every night. Begs, whines and becomes obnoxious if he doesn't get one.
3. Buy cool running gear to play the part - feel like Superwoman. It helps.
4. After a camping weekend trip to Dahlonega,GA (where the race is) rethink the logic of signing up for an 8am race that's an hour and a half away from home.
5. Feel the nerves come the night before - as if I was about to get up on a balance beam. What!? Geez, I'm competitive. Wake up early, get there early, and sit around wondering if we're in the right spot. The 5K regulars show up a half hour later - follow them to check-in. Pin on the number and instantly have flashbacks of pinning a number onto my leotard.
6. Freeze our butts off and take lots of pictures. Try to look cute pre-8am - unsuccessful. ;) Warm up and stretch like we know what we're doing. Incur no strange looks - perhaps we can pull off this running thing.
7. Start the race, and lose Drew immediately. Oh well, I don't have his legs anyways. About a mile in, marvel over a beautiful mountain/fog view that comes out of nowhere - then marvel over the downhill that comes directly after. Mile two, hear the corp in cadence behind me - uh oh. I must be slow, they're supposed to bring up the rear. Look behind me, can't see 'em. Just keep plodding. Mile threeish - hear woman behind me make the following comment - "Last time it took me about 35 minutes, and we're only at 24 or so. We must have to run laps around the track at the end to make up that time." Kill me now - there goes all my energy at the mention of "laps".
8. Come up on the finish - see Drew smiling and looking fresh. He's done - I'm not. A couple minutes more as I pass him, loop back around to the final stretch and then I kick it. Sprint to the finish and see Drew waiting as I come flailing to a halt, breathless.
9. Both of us killed our goals. Drew ran a 23:24 and I ran a 32:28 (without any stopping!). Stick around to see if Drew placed at all - not quite. Don't wait for the woman's results - I'm not even in the right territory. :)
10. Grab breakfast at Waffle House, find a pumpkin patch and pick ridiculously overpriced pumpkins, and enjoy the scenery as we head home. Ahh, happy anniversary. Anyone up for a foot rub?
What a great way to celebrate, Brandy! Our dog wants to run way longer than I ever could so he gets a run outside and on the treadmill. He uses the treadmill more than anyone else in the family :)