I love October. All things, October. Leaves, chilly air, football, weddings, anniversaries, campfires, s'mores... It's my favorite time of year. It sort of snuck up on me this year due to a busy work calendar. It seems we came skidding into the end of the month with graduation ceremonies to plan, the biggest incoming class for orientation to take care of, and several other events and activities competing for time and energy.
And, true, several birthdays that went unnoticed by the blog (but not by the blog's author - oh, no!). A happy birthday to the lovely Jenn Krebs who is currently surviving week two of grad school and my mom who is busying, well, being retired! :) And a few Gym Hawk birthdays along the way, too.
So now that we've found ourselves in October, Drew and I are planning some things... A camping trip this weekend up in the north Georgia mountains, a celebratory 5K (our 1st one) to commemorate our 1st anniversary, and a trip to Savannah with Drew's parents. Pictures will follow, I'm sure of it.
For now, though, let's revisit one year ago, shall we!?

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