Monday, March 9, 2015

A Very Hungry Caterpillar Party

What a great way to celebrate the first year of life - A Very Hungry Caterpillar Party!  Ellie was fortunate to have visits from both her Grandma & Grandpa Killian and her Mimi & Papi Swanson during the week of her birthday.  We played, laughed, sledded, read lots of books, snuggled, got whopped by lots of dog tails, went to the children's museum, went out to dinner, and tried ice cream for the first time (ewww - cold), whipped cream (yum - duh), and cake (ack - too sweet).  What a funny girl.

This past Saturday we invited friends over (and Mimi & Papi were still here) for a Very Hungry Caterpillar party to celebrate not only Ellie's birthday, but our survival of the parenting process over the past year.  :)  We ate all the foods that the caterpillar eats in his famous adventure, colored butterfly and caterpillar pictures (the adults mostly - there's just something cathartic about coloring with crayons), made a thumbprint caterpillar keepsake, tried cake (yuck, again), and opened presents. 

We had a great time, and hope everyone else did, too!  Here are a few pictures, thanks to Jessica and Eduardo Ibanez.  Thank goodness they thought to bring their nice big camera and video camcorder. :)




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