A few signs I've made it to a "grown up" Thanksgiving...
- Purchasing the turkey when I was supposed to. Meaning, not the day before.
- Witty banter with a fellow Thanksgiving shopper over the turkey display. And, scoring a great deal while donating a turkey to those who might not otherwise enjoy one...
- Thawing out the turkey when I was supposed to. No panicky reading of instructions on how dang slow a turkey thaws out.
- Not everything came out of a box, or bag. Points to me for homemade onion rolls, sweet potato pie, pecan pie, mashed potatoes and scalloped potatoes, and green bean casserole.
- More points for using things right out of the garden - like onions, brussel sprouts, potatoes and rosemary!
- Wine made it on to the menu - sparkling cider and egg nog, too - with nutmeg! Dad would be so proud.
- Timing dinner to coincide with the break between football games. :)
- Contemplated buying a gravy boat. But it still didn't happen. What's so bad about serving gravy out of the glass measuring cup? It has a pour spout! Maybe next year...
- Everyone fell asleep by 8pm. Job well done. However, that leads me to my last comment...
And finally, one big sign that Drew and I are still "new" to Denver...
- Everyone fell asleep by 8pm. And by everyone, I mean Drew, Loui and me. We need to make some friends!!! Goal for next Thanksgiving - serving more than two people and a dog.
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