Monday, October 17, 2011

Fall always does this to me...

Well, I see that I haven't posted since September!  Whew - sorry about that.  Fall just does that to me...I want to be outside, enjoying, hiking, leaf-crunching, pumpkin picking, etc.  Anything but indoors - which often means I'm bad about updating.  And lots has happened since early September - from an unexpected trip back to Iowa, an expected trip to Georgia, a job offer/acceptance/start date, and our 2nd wedding anniversary.  So yeah...busy.

In mid-September we heard that Drew's uncle John passed away unexpectedly.  Drew and I made the decision to drive back for the service, and I'm thankful we were able to.  The love, support, singing, playing and reminiscing was just what everyone seemed to need - and it was great to remember John in that way and support the family.  On the way back to Colorado we drove into the most amazing sunset over the mountains- and Drew and I just looked at each other and thought, "That's John..."

We got back on a Saturday evening and I turned around and headed out to Georgia on Sunday morning.  I had already accepted a side project consulting for my old university, Life University, on their new Student Advocacy Center.  It was great to see everyone - and I enjoyed seeing a lot of the things that I had helped plan on paper find their way into real life on campus.  Very invigorating, and perfect timing for me to get a full time offer with a university in Denver.  Of course, that sort of thing only happens when life is running in high gear...right?  So when I got the call, and it was a good one - I accepted.  Thankfully they gave me a week off between my Life gig and a new start date.  So yeah, I'm the newest student advisor with Lincoln College of New England (no joke - they have a distance campus in Denver) and I'm pretty stoked about it.  I'll update you as I stumble my way through my first two weeks...  ;)

Finally, Drew and I celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary over the weekend.  Well, today is the actual anniversary - but in true romantic fashion Drew had to be out of town for work this week.  So not his fault...  We went golfing over the weekend, had some amazing morning fires in the fireplace, made crazy dinners and ran our traditional 5K.  Relaxing, right?  Well, yeah - up until that last part.  We love our tradition of running a 5K for our anniversary (no matter how much we grumble the morning of...) so it was all good.  I scored a killer nap on the floor with Loui afterwards, (pretty sure Drew has pictures) too, so it was a great day.

And yeah, that's fall so far.  Dig it!  Here are a few pictures (and I forgot, we went pumpkin picking, too!).  Enjoy!

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