After suffering the sub-dome we came to the "shoulder" as it's called. It's a really narrow spot right before the cables begin - I'd say about 30 feet across. We had a moment of clarity (or maybe sanity) and decided to leave our packs on the shoulder. There was just no way I could climb the cables with a pack pulling me backwards. It was that steep.
We donned gloves and chatted with an older couple (in their 80's) about to head up. The woman motioned for us to go ahead of them since she was going to "take awhile". I had no problem with "taking awhile" since I figured I would, too. But I went up first, with Drew behind. I was heading up, and then all the sudden I was really really heading UP. I would have had absolutely no footing without those cables! But how cool it felt... I'm really doing it! Drew kept encouraging from behind as I took one and two step lunges up the cable, bringing my hands with me. I'm pretty sure he never gets winded, and this was the same. He says he was meant to do this, and I agree. I married a mountain goat (a cute one).
I had a moment or two of doubt when Drew kept asking "How are you doing!?" Is it that obvious that my arms and legs are on fire!? Am I the slowest person alive!? No, not really. The older couple were way behind us (But, hello!? They were climbing Half Dome - in their 80's! Kudos to them...), and I was holding no one up. I don't even think I looked around at the view, which I should have. I was so intent on getting to the top. And we did, finally. :) My legs were jello, but they could rest now... Later we found out that that older couple were very experienced - climbing Whitney, most of the 14er's, and several others without ever slowing down.
We wandered around the top for awhile, ate some trail mix (which we were pretty sick of by now, by the way), finished off our water (oops!) and just sat. We looked around, marveled at the fact that you could pretty much walk right off if you were so inclined, and decided to scoot back a few feet. We checked out the "diving board" and did the camera swap with a few people to get some cool pictures. And before you know it, it was time to head down to make sure we got back to the valley floor in time to head out. And so we headed down, me the obnoxious cheerleader all the way. "You're almost there - you're doing awesome!" Bite me, right?
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