Well, the fall season simply got away from me. I haven't posted since mid-October, and there's SOOO much to say it isn't even funny. Don't you love that when life is slow, it's easy to post. And then when life is crazy and there's lots to say, you never even get a chance to say it! That's how I feel...
Since October we've had some major life changers. Here goes - we're moving to Denver! And while that's really only one major life changer, it's accompanied by lots of not-so-little life changers - like a new job for Drew, job searching for me, new city, selling a house, renting a house, packing, moving, and the holidays... We have perfect timing, right? Who decides to move over the holidays? Crazy people...and us.
We were able to get back to Iowa for Thanksgiving and see not only the Swansons but also my parents, which was awesome. Lots of people and lots of love - and I was tired afterwards. We managed trips to see all three grandmothers in our lives. Impressive, no? And even more, we even made it to the Iowa vs. Ohio State game - which we inevitably lost by a field goal in the end. But it's all good - because Drew and I were able to show Kurt and Tom a good tailgating time with the help of Tina Arthur, Patrick Rossmann, Maureen Beran, Mark Baccei and a flippy cup table (all of Iowa Grad School fame - even the flippy cup table).
I'll post pictures as soon as I can locate my camera and upload. Next up, a trip to Denver to house hunt and check out the scene. Wish us luck!